I am going to present a few projects on my blog in which I collaborated in one or the other way. The project UNFOCUS – FOCUS is a multi-touch and TUI project that makes use of our fiducialtuioas3 classes.

UNFOCUS - FOCUS interface

What is UNFOCUS – FOCUS about?
How can we know what we do not see?
Continue reading “UNFOCUS – FOCUS”

fiducialtuioas3 Now Supports Pure TCP TUIO Messages

Important: I discontinued the work for fiducialtuioas3. If you are starting a new project, consider using our new AS3 Tuio library Tuio AS3. As you most certainly came here because you want to use fiducials in AS3 find the according Tuio AS3 fiducial howto here.

fiducialtuioas3 now supports pure TUIO messages via TCP.


The bridge TUIO → Flosc → Flash is now being replaced by the bridge TUIO → udp-tcp-bridge → Flash. The latter method renders the transformation of TUIO messages to a proprietary XML dialect obsolete. That speeds up the connection of the TUIO producer (e.g. Touchlib, CCV or Touché) to the Flash application itself (e.g. Vispol, Volvelles) and thus reduces lag.

Hopefully, TUIO producers will support the output of TUIO via TCP natively soon (as far as I know at least Touché does). However, you are on the safe side if you use memo’s cross platform, open source, C++ UDP TCP bridge.

The TCP tuio AS3 classes have been downloaded and adapted for the additional support of fiducials from Touchgateway.

So you can download fiducialtuioas3 in both flavors (via Flosc and via pure TCP TUIO) from the fiducialtuioas3 code repository (on the right).

In the nuigroup there are a threads about fiducialtuioas3 here and here.

Fix MacBook Bootcamp Windows XP SP3 Firewire S100 driver problem

MacBook FireWire socket with cable

I recently wanted to use a FireWire camera (a Pointgrey Firefly MV to be precise) with a white MacBook that ran with Windows XP SP3 in Bootcamp. That actually is no problem but I got into problems when I wanted to achieve higher framerates than 15 Hz. Then I realized that the only Async/Isoch mode that the MacBook offered was S100 (which as far as I know) means a downstream of 100 MBit/s. This is four times slower than the 400 MBit/s that FireWire 400 is capable of.
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An Approach to Video Projection on Buildings

Recently, i came across a few videos of video projections on buildings and have been very intrigued. However, they seem to be studies made with After Effects. This is my favorite video:

Projection on Buildings from NuFormer Digital Media on Vimeo.

Continue reading “An Approach to Video Projection on Buildings”

Load XML and text files from your HD into Flash with AS3 and PHP

In this post I’ll show how to load a file with a file chooser dialog from your local HD into an Internet Flash application in your browser. In another post I’ve explained how to save a file to HD from Flash.

With a little workaround it is possible to load files into Flash in a way that it feels just as if you would do it with a common application: You are being asked with a standard system file dialog, which file you want to load in your application.

However, at first you have to park (i.e. upload) your file on a server in order to make it “publicly” available for your Flash app:

Howto save and load text files with AS3
Figure 1: Howto save and load text files with AS3

Continue reading “Load XML and text files from your HD into Flash with AS3 and PHP”

Configure iOS device or Mac OS X Lion for use with 802.1X CampusWLAN from HS RM

With this configuration guide you can configure your iPhone or iPod Touch via Mac OS X 10.5 for the CampusWLAN of the Hochschule Rhein-Main.

The actual configuration guide for desktop computers can be found here.

Necessary previous steps:

  1. Download Telekom Certificate (if you have not already done so).
  2. Download iPhone Configuration Utility from Apple
  3. Install and open iPhone Configuration Utility

Create new profile:
Continue reading “Configure iOS device or Mac OS X Lion for use with 802.1X CampusWLAN from HS RM”

Sound Design (for Multi-Touch Apps)

Sound design has been an issue that I have disregarded so far in my multi-touch applications. However, a good sound design should be very beneficial for user experience in a multi-touch installation.

As I had no clue on how to create sounds I have been happy when I came across the sound design tutorials of Nick Maxwell. Actually, he sells howto videos for sound design with Ableton Live but he presents his knowledge also via YouTube. Here is an example: