A Few Impressions From Vispol on the Round Table at the Fair “Moderner Staat”

As already mentioned in this post, we presented Vispol at the booth of the state of Hessen/Germany at the fair “Moderner Staat” in Berlin on 24. and 25. November 2009. Vispol has been shown on the round multi-touch and TUI table from Sensory Minds. Here are a few photos from the fair. Please apologize the …

Vispol at the “Moderner Staat” Fair in Berlin from 24. – 25. November 2009

My software Vispol will be shown at the booth of the state of Hessen/Germany at the fair “Moderner Staat” in Berlin on 24. and 25. November 2009. It will be shown on the new really cool round [!] multi-touch and TUI table from sensory minds. I will be there on both days.

Microsoft Surface TUIO Overlay SurfaceToTuio

In terms of the NUI research project Squidy at the Konstanz University the TUIO overlay SurfaceToTuio has been developed for Microsoft Surface. Download the SurfaceToTuio component from the sourceforge project site (or via direct download). SurfaceToTuio is available as source code only (there is no executable). However, you can just upload the SurfaceToTuio folder to …

VotkA: 3D Visualization of the k-means Algorithm using Fiducials, Processing, TUIO and OSCRemote

I am going to present a few projects on my blog in which I collaborated in one or the other way. This post introduces Fabio Campos‘s VotkA (Visualization of the k-means Algorithm) project of the course Visualization in the Master’s studies of Computer Sciences at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. Fabio’s project is a …


I am going to present a few projects on my blog in which I collaborated in one or the other way. The project UNFOCUS – FOCUS is a multi-touch and TUI project that makes use of our fiducialtuioas3 classes. What is UNFOCUS – FOCUS about? How can we know what we do not see?

fiducialtuioas3 Now Supports Pure TCP TUIO Messages

Important: I discontinued the work for fiducialtuioas3. If you are starting a new project, consider using our new AS3 Tuio library Tuio AS3. As you most certainly came here because you want to use fiducials in AS3 find the according Tuio AS3 fiducial howto here. fiducialtuioas3 now supports pure TUIO messages via TCP. The bridge …

Touchlib’s TUIO Actionscript 3 Classes Enhanced With Fiducial Support (Source Code)

Important: I discontinued the work for fiducialtuioas3. If you are starting a new project, consider using our new AS3 Tuio library Tuio AS3. As you most certainly came here because you want to use fiducials in AS3 find the according Tuio AS3 fiducial howto here. In his Bachelor thesis Frederic Frieß enhanced the original Touchlib …

TUIO 1.0 Protocol Specification

Finally, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona guys around Martin Kaltenbrunner released a special page for TUIO that explains the protocol in more detail and with some examples. In the past it had not been that easy to extract all necessary information from their TUIO paper. Just in time, before they will hopefully release TUIO …

Vispol Tangible and Multi-Touch Interface Video

This video presents the results of the Bachelor thesis of Frederic Friess at the Vislab of the Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences. I have been Frederic’s mentor under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Doerner for this work.