A Simple Approach to App Localization using Xcode, XLIFF and Objective-C

When it comes to localizing applications for iOS or Mac OS, things get pretty quickly messed up and cumbersome. The tool support by Apple is – friendly spoking – lacking consistency. Especially if you are updating your code and want to update the localization, things get hairy. I do not want to go into detail …

How to Prevent Dismissing Containing View Controller when Performing a Double-Tap on a UIPopoverController’s Background under iOS8 in Objective-C

When opening up a popover from a modal view (or another popover) on an iPad running iOS 8 and double-tapping on the background of the popover, not only the popover will be dismissed but also the modal view. This behavior was non-existant in iOS 7 and seems to be a bug in iOS 8.

Category for Setting Maximum Length of Text in UITextFields on iOS using Objective-C

Unfortunately, there is no property for UITextField that allows controlling the maximum length of text entered into it. Instead, this behavior can, for instance, be achieved by using an appropriate delegate method of the UITextFieldDelegate.

Objective-C Category for Location Authorization Request for iOS8 with Xcode 5 Support [Update]

<update date=″17.9.15″> Fixed a bug when checking ‘authorization always’. Added a Swift extension that does the same. </update> When you use the location of the user in your app and want also your iOS8 users to be able to enable using their location, you have to explicitly ask the user for it using this or …