Category for Setting Maximum Length of Text in UITextFields on iOS using Objective-C

Unfortunately, there is no property for UITextField that allows controlling the maximum length of text entered into it. Instead, this behavior can, for instance, be achieved by using an appropriate delegate method of the UITextFieldDelegate.
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Problems installing Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 Virtual Machine in Parallels 10 – No Recovery Partition

I’ve came across the problem that i cannot create a new virtual machine of Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 on my new Mac Mini. The problem I experience is that there is no option on the install screen prompting me to »Install OS X Using the Recovery Partition«. The screenshot below shows this option.
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Find and Delete Empty Files Using a Shell Script on the Command Line

If you – like me – copy image files regularly to an external HD, you might also have come across the problem that sometimes the file references are created but the eventual copying of the file contents failed. Thus, I regularly end up with a lot of dead files that block the way for the real files when I want to copy the actual files later.
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Objective-C Category for Location Authorization Request for iOS8 with Xcode 5 Support [Update]

<update date=″17.9.15″>


When you use the location of the user in your app and want also your iOS8 users to be able to enable using their location, you have to explicitly ask the user for it using this or this selector. There are two problems connected to that:
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Provision iOS IPA App for In-House Enterprise Distribution

EDIT: Please make sure at first that you are using an enterprise account and not a normal account before following any guidelines!

Provisioning an iOS app for in-house distributione is damn complicated. As my efforts to do so were eventually successful, I decided to prepare this comprehensive tutorial documenting my best practice approach for future reference.
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A Gesture-Controlled Car User Interface

[UPDATE] You can now try out the Car UI yourself in Safari on your iPad.

Well, the title says it all: »A New Car UI: How touch screen controls in cars should work«. I am not convinced that car user interfaces should work exactly that way but I have to admit that the user interface of this prototype is intriguing.
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Prevent Opening Additional Popover View from Navigation Bar Button Using UIPopoverController

In a recent iOS project for the iPad, I wanted to open a popover view from a bar button in the navigation bar. However, tapping somewhere on the navigation bar would not dismiss the popover view but (depending on where I tapped on the bar) open an additional popover view or even navigate to another view controller.
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