ReBirth for iPad

I really liked ReBirth from Propellerheads back in the 90ies. However, I have not heard much of ReBirth (and of the good old Roland 303 and its companions) since then. Now, ReBirth is back on the iPad (although there is also an iPhone/iPod Touch version of it only the iPad version seems just right) and …

First Results: Memo Akten about Microsoft Kinect and OpenFrameworks ofxKinect Integration

ofxKinect 3D draw 001 from Memo Akten on Vimeo. Memo Akten on Microsoft Kinect and the opportunities for interaction artists. Check out Theo Watson’s OpenFrameworks Kinect integration ofxKinect.

libfreenect – OpenSource Microsoft Kinect Linux, Windows and OS X Driver

Only a few hours after the release of Microsoft Kinect libfreenect – an Open Source Driver for the Kinect device for Linux – has been released by Hector Martin (via creativeapplications and Shortly afterwards, the driver has also been ported to Windows and OS X. Check it out in the

umami: Multi-Touch and Tangible User Interfaces for Future Kitchens

I am going to present a few projects on my blog which I like. This post introduces the Umami project of Florian Cannon, Robert Fläck, Florian Gondolf, Mischa Korn, Daniel Pehnec, Sarah Martens, Tara Staton from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. umami proposes the the integration of multi-touch surfaces in kitchens of the future for …

Remove ‘View Source’ from Adobe Air Debug Context Menu in Flash Builder

Recently I wondered how I can get rid of that “View Source” entry in the context menu of Adobe Air as I wanted to add my own context menu there. It turned out that I had to remove all the source folder entries in the project’s run configuration (see in the image above).