How to Prevent Dismissing Containing View Controller when Performing a Double-Tap on a UIPopoverController’s Background under iOS8 in Objective-C

When opening up a popover from a modal view (or another popover) on an iPad running iOS 8 and double-tapping on the background of the popover, not only the popover will be dismissed but also the modal view. This behavior was non-existant in iOS 7 and seems to be a bug in iOS 8.

Objective-C Category for Location Authorization Request for iOS8 with Xcode 5 Support [Update]

<update date=″17.9.15″> Fixed a bug when checking ‘authorization always’. Added a Swift extension that does the same. </update> When you use the location of the user in your app and want also your iOS8 users to be able to enable using their location, you have to explicitly ask the user for it using this or …

Provision iOS IPA App for In-House Enterprise Distribution

EDIT: Please make sure at first that you are using an enterprise account and not a normal account before following any guidelines! Provisioning an iOS app for in-house distributione is damn complicated. As my efforts to do so were eventually successful, I decided to prepare this comprehensive tutorial documenting my best practice approach for future …

Prevent Opening Additional Popover View from Navigation Bar Button Using UIPopoverController

In a recent iOS project for the iPad, I wanted to open a popover view from a bar button in the navigation bar. However, tapping somewhere on the navigation bar would not dismiss the popover view but (depending on where I tapped on the bar) open an additional popover view or even navigate to another …

ReBirth for iPad

I really liked ReBirth from Propellerheads back in the 90ies. However, I have not heard much of ReBirth (and of the good old Roland 303 and its companions) since then. Now, ReBirth is back on the iPad (although there is also an iPhone/iPod Touch version of it only the iPad version seems just right) and …