Cocoapods Swift does not work with use_frameworks! Fix

I have a mixed Objective-C/Swift project and activated use_frameworks! in my podfile because I wanted to use a Swift-based pod. In order to enable the usage of the Objective-C-based pods in your Swift code, I thought it would be necessary to stick to the common approach of including the pods’ header files into a bridging …

How to Prevent Dismissing Containing View Controller when Performing a Double-Tap on a UIPopoverController’s Background under iOS8 in Objective-C

When opening up a popover from a modal view (or another popover) on an iPad running iOS 8 and double-tapping on the background of the popover, not only the popover will be dismissed but also the modal view. This behavior was non-existant in iOS 7 and seems to be a bug in iOS 8.

Prevent Opening Additional Popover View from Navigation Bar Button Using UIPopoverController

In a recent iOS project for the iPad, I wanted to open a popover view from a bar button in the navigation bar. However, tapping somewhere on the navigation bar would not dismiss the popover view but (depending on where I tapped on the bar) open an additional popover view or even navigate to another …

Mac OS X Multi-touch Tracking Software Touché

I just wanted to mention the great Open Source multi-touch tracking application Touché for Mac OS X from Georg Kaindl in my blog. Touché supports lots of image processing possibilities and is written purely in the Cocoa Objective-C framework from Apple. The Touché code can be accessed via Google Code. Touché supports loads of video …