Probably there is no person who has not met at least once with the failure of electronic equipment. Unfortunately, malfunctions in the case of desktop computers can be especially unpleasant. It suddenly turns out that you cannot do your job freely. Even worse, when even a specialist has problems with the diagnosis of a problem. What most often breaks in desktop computers? Holy motherboard The motherboard is the "core" of any computer. All other components are mounted in this system. Therefore, its defect can lead to the fact that all the equipment simply will not work. How to find out that your motherboard is damaged? The first alarm signal is that you have problems with the launch of a computer. Unfortunately, the motherboard is one of the elements that are usually not repaired. In the presence of damage, the specialist will most likely replace it with a more new model. If you exclude the malfunction of the motherboard, and the computer still does not load, then most likely, your power supply is faulty. To make such a hypothesis more believable, it is necessary to temporarily install a working power supply from another computer. If then the device starts up, the diagnosis is clear. A defect video card When you worked on your computer, you suddenly heard a few sound signals, and then your screen went out, this means that the video card is faulty or incorrectly installed on the motherboard. In such a situation, do not panic. Firstly, you just need to turn off the video card from the board and reinstall it. If this does not help, it is better to contact professionals. Problems with a hard drive The computer works too slowly or all kinds of error messages appear? This may be due to a hard disk malfunction. The signal informing about the possible failure of the hard drive is the lack of visibility in the operating system. If you want to check your diagnosis, check if the disk in the BIOS is visible. If you are indifferent to the data on a faulty hard drive, try to perform deep formatting. Otherwise, take the equipment to specialists. Where to repair the equipment? When it comes to repairing a desktop computer, you should not risk it. Independent repairs, especially carried out by people without proper knowledge, often fails. Many malfunctions can be quickly eliminated, but if other components are damaged during amateur repairs, the consequences will have to take into account the consequences. Ultimately, you can suffer even more costs than in the case of delivery of equipment to a professional service. spinbounty login