Tag Archives: Kinect
This is a nice new project. Sharam Izadi et al. employ the Kinect to reconstruct arbitrary surroundings in 3D by using a Microsoft Kinect depth camera.
First Results: Memo Akten about Microsoft Kinect and OpenFrameworks ofxKinect Integration
ofxKinect 3D draw 001 from Memo Akten on Vimeo. Memo Akten on Microsoft Kinect and the opportunities for interaction artists. Check out Theo Watson’s OpenFrameworks Kinect integration ofxKinect.
libfreenect – OpenSource Microsoft Kinect Linux, Windows and OS X Driver
Only a few hours after the release of Microsoft Kinect libfreenect – an Open Source Driver for the Kinect device for Linux – has been released by Hector Martin (via creativeapplications and memo.tv). Shortly afterwards, the driver has also been ported to Windows and OS X. Check it out in the
First Results: Augmented Reality with Microsoft Kinect Camera
This is not my project.